Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On repeat in the studio...

It's late at night, and I've still got a long stretch of work in front of me, but it seems like a good time to mention a certain gentleman that's been keeping me company in the studio.

I've had Nick Lowe's album on repeat for the last week, ever since I listened to his interview on Fresh Air. I don't usually try to describe music or what I like about certain music - but I'll tell you what I like about it. Lovely melodies, simple yet clever lyrics, and clear stories.

I usually have a lot of talky podcasts or audio books in my headphones, but I'm taking a little break to just listen to Nick and enjoy into his restful but engaging presence.

Back to sewing and shipping. Gotta restock our stores, fulfill customer orders, and prep stock for Renegade San Francisco this weekend!

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